Nederlands Engels

Consultancy- and accounting office Muller & Matulessy can also cater for private persons.

Do you have income from your job or welfare? Do you own a house or have a lease vehicle?

Through tax declaration the tax authority assesses whether you have to pay tax or receive it back. I will handle your declaration quickly, completely and against attractive rates. This is how I will try to take as much work from you as possible and provide and optimal service at the same time. When you are not eligible for tax declaration you can often receive a tax restitution. I can also take care of the provisional restitution. Provisional restitutions which are being dealt with after December 1st will only enter effect the following year.

Tax declaration/ restitution

When you don’t have to provide a tax declaration, very often a tax restitution is possible. below are a few frequent occurring situations whereby you might be eligible for a tax restitution.

  • You have had much (extra) medical expenses;
  • You have not received income from work and/ or welfare during the whole year;
  • You receive a AOW allowance without or with limited extra pension;
  • You have made costs to study.

These are only a few frequent occurring examples whereby it is useful to prepare a tax declaration nevertheless.


In some cases, you are eligible for: renting benefits, health benefits, child benefits of day care benefits. We can check if you are eligible for such benefits and can request the benefit for you. I can also assist in dividend tax, inheritance tax and gift tax. For more information please contact me or check the competitive rates for private persons.