Nederlands Engels

Tariffs entrepreneur (Excluding VAT)

We are well known by our customers, that the fees at Consultancy- and accounting office Muller & Matulessy, are always, for what is being done, and not how long we did it.
Therefore, a transparent fixed fee is always calculated and agreed with our clients. In consultation with you, as our new customer, we determine what advisory and administration tasks Consultancy- en accounting office Muller & Matulessy is going to do, and what you can continue to do yourself. The big advantage of this agreement fee is, that a new customer, always knows in advance exactly where he is standing, and not afterwards subsequently receive an invoice for unclear services.
We aim for clear and honest communication!

Category A (up to 30 mutations per month)
Category B (from 31 up to 60 mutations per month)
Category C (from 61 up to 90 mutations per month)
Services Category A Category B Category C
Setup administration
VAT returns
Income tax return -
Corporation tax return N/A N/A N/A
Annual account deposits CC N/A N/A N/A
Fiscal annual account
Always available for questions
Fixed fee per month €59,00 €118,00 €177,00
Income tax return per year €59 - -
Pay slips plus payroll tax per employee €12,50 €12,50 €12,50

One-off costs:

  • Setting up administration €0,00
  • Setting up payroll €49,-